Saturday, August 28, 2010

Princess Elle gets Her Nails Done

Yesterday, I was talking to Princess Elle. During our conversation she told me she was going to get her nails done. Stupid me didn't get the message! And then she said she was going to make me pay for them! It was going to be a first time for me.  Princess Elle was going to take my money at random.

Princess told me to sit and wait until she returns. So, I sat there waiting for her. After an hour, she came back. I asked her if she got her nails done and she said yes.
and you're going to pay for them.
 and maybe within ten minutes, she took my money.

I wasn't expecting that random spending but I learned somethings about her. It is clear that when she wants to take my money, she takes it no matter what!

I kiss your feet, Princess Elle!

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